The u20.04 Standard Desktop (SD) package

Revision: 0.95 and Date: Sat 14 Aug 2021 08:23:21 AM EDT

The SD package is intended to complete the install of u20.04 using Ubuntu-Mate, adding a complete list of packages, and adding a customized compiz-mate/marco 3D/2D desktop environment to the standard ubuntu-mate install. It also provides detailed instructions on customizing your install of the basic u20.04 package, and for customizing your desktop, background screen, login screen and lock screen.

The SD u20.04 package has been tested as a post-install with Ubuntu-Mate 20.04.4 LTS 64-bit (amd), available at Ubuntu-Mate Download. We no longer support the 32-bit version for SD. Ubuntu-Mate u20.04 is supported until April 2025. and updated SD packages will be available until that date.

Download and extract the u20.04 package from the web

The u20.04 package is available in gzip format at

Download: u20.04.tar.gz (458M)

To process the downloaded file, create the directory

then copy the file u20.04.tar.gz to the /syshome/src directory. Change to that directory, i.e., cd /syshome/src/, and untar the file using the command

Alternatively, you can pull the file u20.04.tar.gz directly using the command line as:

The download and extraction typically takes about 2 to 3 minutes on a 20Mb/s to 30Mb/s commercial internet connection.

Install the u20.04 SD package

Please examine the README_u20.04.html file to determine the contents and all modifications to this package. The file provides a summary of system requirements, and instructions and suggestions for installing Ubuntu-Mate and then installing SD u20.04.

It is important that you understand the changes and additions to be made to the system. The following selections of deb packages are installed along with the following kernel selections.

After having untarred this package into /syshome/src/u20.04, and having read the documentation, go to /syshome/src/u20.04 and run the command
sudo ./Install
to install the package.

The utility freshen can also be used to continue an install that was interupted. After the install has complete you can then use the utility freshen to update your system.

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